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Newborn Session – Emery

Emery Luana made her debut into this world just as it was turning upside down. Did she know her parents would need the distraction of baby snuggles to keep their mind off of the current world affairs? Maybe! Her early arrival on March 9th caused her family’s hearts to explode with happiness (after a very quick drive to the hospital!). She’s a champion eater, sleeper, and pooper (I saw evidence of all three during our time together), and clearly has a future as a baby model.

Some (loose) stats from our shoot:

– Number of pieces of furniture I moved to stage the scene: 4ish?

– Number of diaper changes: 3 (maybe 4)

– Number of cups of coffee consumed by Kanoa: at least a full pot (maybe more)

Scroll down for a few images from our in-home newborn session. 

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