We stopped in Kansas to document the nothingness.
Miles driven: St. Louis, MO to Evergreen, CO – 870
On Thursday, we drove from St. Louis to Denver. It was a twelve and half hour drive that felt surprisingly quick. At this point, it’s only our second long day of driving so far, and we aren’t sure if we should feel proud of how easy this day was or concerned that we’re already immune to the long drives. Either way, we found ourselves in Denver by dinner time and couldn’t have been happier sitting outside at Hopdoddy’s Burger Bar near Union Station watching the Rockies fans flock past our table to Coors Field.
On our drive, Randi and I once again jotted down some of our observations slash experiences from our day of travel. Here goes:
1. “I’ve never enjoyed myself so much in a McDonalds bathroom…why aren’t they modeling other McDonalds like this one in Kingdom City, Missouri?” – Randi (Yes, we had to look up that location because the clean, spacious bathroom was unlike any McDonalds bathroom experienced before. Ever.)
2. We had the world’s friendliest Starbucks experience to begin our day. We are giving it that distinction based on our 10 minute coffee run. We may not be basing this opinion off of a great deal of data, but nonetheless, it was a great start to our day of driving.
3. We haven’t driven on any toll roads. Are they just an east coast thing? (This thought was written down about ten minutes before hitting a toll booth).
4. The most asked question of the day: “What the f@#k do people do in Kansas? It’s oppressively hot, windy, and there’s nothingness for miles and miles.”
5. Our feet were off the gas pedal more than on. Thank you cruise control and miles of nothingness.
6. We toned our forearms, triceps and biceps thanks to the constant wind gusts and two lane highway.
7. Colorado and Kansas have some shared characteristics to their landscape, which definitely disappointed us when we cross the Colorado state line, and it was still miles upon miles of nothingness. …until you hit the Rockies. Then our senses woke up.
8. Denver is better than St. Louis. Cold hard fact.
9. It seems inconceivable to experience a 30 degree temp change in a matter of 150 miles. But it’s real.
10. We have a newfound appreciation to Colorado for quietly trusting that Jesus exists. (The midwestern marketing of Jesus seems to cheapen the exploration of His existence and faith in general).
We’re resting our heads at our family friend’s, the Davises, in Evergreen, CO, a suburb of Denver tonight before embarking on our weekend adventure in Steamboat Springs